Banking Diploma Examination—June, 2013.JAIBB
[N.B. All questions carry equal marks. Answer any five questions in English]
1."Business Communication does not merely mean writing letters, there are many more modes and styles of effective communication-- Discuss.
2.Prepare a report on the matters of financial irregularities found out by the Audit Team.
3. Draft a speech for the managing director of your bank, to be delivered at the final session of the seminar of
Human Resources Management.
4. Suppose you have just finished six months internship in a bank, prepare a report for consideration of the MD about what you find 'good' in the bank.
5.Discuss the factors that affect business communication in upward, Downward and Horizontal communication.
6.Telephonic conversation:Customer:Hello sir, how are you?
Bank Manager: Fine, what about you?
Customer- Last time I talked to you about the loan for my cycle-industry…
Bk. Mgrs. Bar the question of security……
Continue the conversion to a happy ending.
7. What do you mean by Feasibility Report? What points should be taken into consideration for making a report more acceptable?
8.Discuss the issue “Correctness of information" in business report. How is the correctness of information achieved in business communication?
9.From the desk of Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, prepare a memorandum to be placed in the pre-budget conference
10. write short notes on (any four):
a) Signature without date;
b) Feedback;
c) Horizontal Communication;
d) Deposit Pension Scheme;
e) Press release introducing a new product;
f) Show cause notice.
b) Feedback;
c) Horizontal Communication;
d) Deposit Pension Scheme;
e) Press release introducing a new product;
f) Show cause notice.
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