Full Marks : 100
Module A: Islamic Economics
          Islamic Economics- Meaning and Scope, Nature of Economic Laws, Islam and Other Economic Systems, Consumption and Production in Islam, Distribution of Wealth in Islam, Trade and Commerce in Islam, Islamic Approach to Money, Banking and Monetary Policy.

Module B: Interest in Islam
          Interest in Islam, Meaning of Riba, Conceptual Issues Related to Riba, Comparative Difference Between Interest and Profit, Classical and Keynesian Views on Interest.

Module C: Islamic Banking
          Objectives and Functions, Global Experiences, Operational Mechanism of Islamic Banking System of Guarantee, Non-Banking Services of Islamic Banks, Islamic Bank and Central Bank, Conventional vis--vis Islamic Banking.

Module D: Deposit Mobilization Process
          Wadia and Mudraba Accounts their Characteristics and Mode of Operations.

Module E: Investment and Operation of Islamic Banks
          Musharaka, Mudaraba, Murabaha, Bai-E-Muazzal, Bai-E-Salam, Hire Purchases, Quarz E Hasana, Lease Finance, Auction Investment, Syndicated Investment, Term Investment.

Module F: Fund Management in Islamic Banking
          Asset  Liability Management (ALM), Liquidity Management, Liquidity Versus Profitability, Liquidity Theories and Islamic Banking  Risk Management in Islamic Bank.

Module G: Foreign Exchange Operation of Islamic Bank
          Import and Export Financing, Methods of Trade Payments  Exchange Rates  Applicable Rates for FEX Operations.

Module H: Central Banking in Islamic Framework
          Central Banking in Islamic Framework  Monetary Policy in Islam  Banking Supervision.

Module I: Rural Finance, Welfare and Ancillary Services of Islamic Banking

Module J: Role of Shariah Council
      Need for Shariah Board  Relationship with Board of Directors and Central Bank, Power and Function of Shariah Councils.

Module K: Experience of Islamic Banks at National and International Level


1          Ahmed, Shaikh Mahmud. Towards Interest Free Banking. International Islamic Publisher, Delhi
2          Choudhury, Masudul Alam. Money in Islam, Routledge, London
3          Hasan, Kabir M. A Text Book on Islamic Banking
4          Hoque, Ataul, Readings in Islamic Banking Islamic Foundation Bangladesh
5          Mannan, M A, Islamic Economics- Theory and Practice, New Delhi, India
6          Rahman, M.M and Rahman, B.M.H. Islamic Finance System
7          Shaghil, M, Islamic Economics New Delhi, India