Full Marks : 100

 Module A: The Role of Marketing

          Introduction- The Marketing Function- The Comparative Development of Marketing for Banks and Financial Institutions. Elements of Marketing.

Module B: Customer Behavior and Market Segmentation

          Introduction- Consumer Behavior and Attitudes- Types of Market Segmentation- Segmentation of Retail vs Corporate Markets.

Module C: Branch Location and Distribution

          Introduction- Means of Distributing Financial Services- Locating Bank Branches- New Technology and Branching- Creating the Branch Image.

Module D: Advertising and Communication

          The Roles of Advertising- Advertising Channels- Promotions- Publicity- The Contribution of Advertising and Communications to Marketing Programmes of Financial Institutions.

Module E: Product Development and Pricing

          Product Development and Segmentation- Special Features of Product Development- Product Development Strategies- the Implications of New Technology for Bank Product Development. Pricing Systems- Methods of Pricing- Price Policies: Strategic V. Tactical Goals- the Marketing Programmes of Financial Institutions.

Module F: Marketing Strategies of Financial Institutions

          Introduction- Corporate Planning- Formulating a Marketing Strategies for Banks and Financial Institutions, Implementing Marketing Strategy. Marketing Strategy of New Products.

Module G: Marketing Administration

          Administering the Marketing Programme- Administration of Retail V. Corporate Financial Markets. Future Outlook.

Module H: Marketing Research in Financial Institutions

          The Role and Functions of Marketing Research in Financial Institutions- The Research Methodology- Evaluating Marketing Research Programmes- Applications of Marketing Research in Financial Institutions.
Module I: Marketing of Financial Services in Bangladesh



1          Andrew, Kenneth. Bank Marketing Handbook.
2          Arthur, Mechian. Bank Marketing Management.
3          Kotler, Marketing Management